Baby Snakes (The Medusa Song) - new filk
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2017-08-14 02:12:14 UTC
Baby Snakes (The Medusa Song)

Lyrics by Susanna R.A. Miller (based on an idea by William J. Wilson)

ttto: "Baby Face"

Baby Snakes,
I've got the cutest little baby snakes,
It's time for evil deeds for evil's sakes,
Baby Snakes,
Oh, the joy we've known of turning people into stone!
It's very clear
the folk of Athens need some chaos and some fear,
which they'll have for days, thanks to my cursed gaze
and my evil baby snakes!
Arthur T.
2017-08-14 04:20:34 UTC
Post by X-Lydia
Baby Snakes (The Medusa Song)
Nice song. I've got to dig up the original because I realized I
know only half of it.
Arthur T. - ar23hur "at" pobox "dot" com