More Songs from Balticon
(too old to reply)
Scott Dorsey
2023-05-06 19:29:58 UTC
While I have been out of the country, the first pressing run of the new
updated Balticon CD set has come back from the pressing plant and in a
few weeks we are going to have a formal release party at Balticon. It's
a great set, with two CDs full of more music from Balticon, a wide variety
of filk going back to the 1990s and going up to 2020.

The fine people at Woksprint have made these available online and a google
search on "More Songs from Balticon" is likely to turn up their online sales.
On the other hand, you can also wait a few weeks and pick one up in person
at Balticon. We are having a small CD release party on Saturday night and
then a more extensive listening party Sunday afternoon.

If you liked the first CD set you'll like the second one even more, and at
$16 for more than two and a half hours of music it's a pretty good deal too.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Arthur T.
2023-05-10 19:45:12 UTC
Post by Scott Dorsey
If you liked the first CD set you'll like the second one even more, and at
$16 for more than two and a half hours of music it's a pretty good deal too.
I found that it's also available on Ebay, at abut 150% of the cost of
Arthur T. - ar23hur "at" pobox "dot" com
Scott Dorsey
2023-05-11 15:55:43 UTC
Post by Arthur T.
Post by Scott Dorsey
If you liked the first CD set you'll like the second one even more, and at
$16 for more than two and a half hours of music it's a pretty good deal too.
I found that it's also available on Ebay, at abut 150% of the cost of
Interesting. I am not sure who rainbowprophet on ebay is, and after two days
of sleeping in airports (I finally made it to Stockholm but missed the flight
from Stockholm to Helsinki so I am waiting for tomorrow's flight to Heathrow
to get on a Helsinki flight since there is nothing sooner)... I am not really
able to check things out in detail.

So buy from whoever you want to buy from, but if you buy them at Balticon
you'll pay $16. I am really, really hoping to be back in the country for
Post by Arthur T.
Arthur T. - ar23hur "at" pobox "dot" com
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Scott Dorsey
2023-05-12 03:40:45 UTC
Post by Arthur T.
Post by Scott Dorsey
If you liked the first CD set you'll like the second one even more, and at
$16 for more than two and a half hours of music it's a pretty good deal too.
I found that it's also available on Ebay, at abut 150% of the cost of
Aha! That is in fact the woksprint people, who are adding their ebay fees
and additional costs onto it. They suggest buying directly and not through
ebay, but that many people insist on buying through ebay so they make that
option available.

And now they are sending me from Stockholm to Helsinki by way of London
because all the Helsinki flights are booked up with hockey fans all coming
in for some big match....
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."