Silent movies January 10
(too old to reply)
Gary McGath
2023-12-18 16:52:28 UTC
For anyone who might be interested: On January 10, at 8 PM Eastern time,
I'll run a showing over Zoom of two early silent movies, to which I'll
provide live accompaniment. The movies are Edison Studios'
"Frankenstein" (1910) and Georges Melies's "The Impossible Journey."

Details are in my blog post:


I'll post the Zoom link later. Guests will only be able to chat, so it
should be relatively safe to share the link.
Gary McGath http://www.mcgath.com
Gary McGath
2023-12-20 00:33:40 UTC
Post by Gary McGath
For anyone who might be interested: On January 10, at 8 PM Eastern time,
I'll run a showing over Zoom of two early silent movies, to which I'll
provide live accompaniment. The movies are Edison Studios'
"Frankenstein" (1910) and Georges Melies's "The Impossible Journey."
I'll post the Zoom link later. Guests will only be able to chat, so it
should be relatively safe to share the link.
Change of venue: It looks as if Twitch is better for this sort of thing.
I'll be at


If any Twitch users would like to follow me, even if you can't make it
for the movie, having some followers would help me to build credibility.
Gary McGath http://www.mcgath.com